Friday, July 3, 2009


I saw my first fight involving a beer bottle!

Standing outside the bar last night talking to a friend about how there's this one creepy guy who feels the need to brush up on my leg when standing next to me and how he basically does it to every girl he ever encounters and all of a sudden SMASH! He pulls me a few steps forward to get me out of the way and I turn around to see four guys going at it with the creepy guy. Everyone floods out of the bar and the fight gets broken up and then a few minutes later after things have settled down, the idiot runs at the crowd of guys who would like nothing better than to beat the shit out of him. People are stupid. That's my only conclusion.

Monday, March 9, 2009


I managed to finish my book. Huge relief!

I also made a doctors appointment. I'm nervous but I'm hoping this one will give me the courage to set the next one.

Friday, March 6, 2009


I dropped another class. I'm officially a part time student and it makes me want to throw up. I've never been a part time student before. Until a few weeks ago, I'd never taken less than fifteen units. I'm unbearably disappointed in myself. The only excuse I can give is that I can't keep myself away from the dark room.

Friday, February 20, 2009


I just dropped one of my classes leaving me at 10 units this semester. I'm disgusted with myself.

And even the kids in New York are more fashionable than I am.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


I've been spending most of my time with school or work and when I'm not busy with those I'm usually in bed reading or out with one of my two favorite people. School is more enjoyable now that I've become comfortable enough to give my opinions, ask questions and make new acquaintances. Work is interesting. I feel like I'm not doing enough because it's unusually relaxed and I can't get use to that. Not that I'm complaining. I am content to spend the majority of each hour reading Flaunt.

Time to prepare for work... by prepare I of course mean: pack a bag full of magazines, fill my water bottle, get dressed and head out. And for today, I will be taking my over sized cardboard Valentine's Day card that the wife dropped off. I love it!

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Work was good. I have a feeling work will almost always be good. I'm thrilled.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


I was allowed to skip jury duty! I also spent a great deal of time in the photo lab. It's the closest I've come to feeling at home. I'm unbelievably comfortable there.

Richie brought me the chocolate, peanut butter something or other chex mix he had promised me. I am forever indebted. It's delicious.

I was actually about to leave for the day when one of the lab techs made me feel guilty for putting off spotting and I decided to stay. I spent around two hours working on my prints and finished three of them. I'm surprised to say that I actually enjoyed working on them. Max Richter as background music was so soothing!

It's sort of astonishing what such a tiny sense of accomplishment does and how rarely I feel it. I get things done all the time but I don't always feel like this. I was and am extremely cheerful. It was nice to walk to my car silently giggling to myself and not giving a shit how crazy I appeared to people passing by.

Saturday, January 31, 2009


I'm apparently a big fan of bar hopping and not eating enough before drinking. I'm also a big fan of meeting new people and having them dance with me.

Oh, yeah, I have a job now. I'm more excited about it then I'm currently letting on.

Friday, January 30, 2009


I spent all afternoon in the dark room. I managed to finish five prints. The due date has been pushed back until Thursday though, so assuming I'm not spending Tuesday in jury duty I should be able to finish the last one and spot them on time. I'm not use to turning in work of this standard. My prints are usually covered in dust and later put away in a box. I might actually end up with a portfolio to submit when I apply to schools in a few months. I'm still incredibly unsure of myself and my work. Thankfully, the more time I spend in this class or working on prints, the more ideas I come up with and the more I want to shoot. It throws me off, just how excited I get. I don't want it to go away.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Dear writers of Lost,

Thank you for completely fucking with my head. You're truly brilliant.




Last night, I made a giant cupcake for the wife's birthday. She was sleeping at the foot of the bed when midnight hit. It was fun surprising her.

I'm currently skipping math class and missing the weekly Wednesday quiz to catch up on homework for earth science. Kind of a vicious cycle I hope I don't keep.

I have an odd urge to watch Ghost and wish I had a large cup of coffee.

I have to get things done. I have class at 3 something and then the lost/birthday party starts at 8. Why don't I feel busy enough?

Time for cereal and getting started. Happy Birthday loved ones.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I woke up this morning when I rationalized how unlikely it was that Hugh Laurie (as House) was actually soliciting me for oral sex.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


I have jury duty, one week from tomorrow. Gross.

I should probably be out taking photos but he slept over last night and I've decided to watch Harry Potter with him instead.

I need to remember to buy pepper spray sometime in the near future. Between getting out of class when it's dark and going to the bar with any sort of skin showing, I'm apparently asking for trouble.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


I wish I could pull off dressing like a foreigner. I don't think I have the courage to be that bold.

Friday, January 23, 2009


The Brideshead Revisited score is wonderful. Some of the piano parts make my heart do odd things. The movie isn't too shabby either. I think I might watch it again before returning it.

I may also pull a very late night photo run. Who would have thought that the one roll I was certain I had no idea what I was doing with would turn out the best?! I'm very excited to shoot some more night shots. Especially considering the other three didn't turn out as well as I was hoping.

Coffee would be nice too. Mmmm. Coffee.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


It's very exciting to have someone who (though in the same class as me) is what I would consider a much more skilled photographer/editor than me stop me to tell me he really liked my work.

I'm pretty sure I stuttered my thank you. I was slightly floored.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


My car is currently missing a front end (3/4 of one at least), my white shirt is currently 1/5 purple and smells like juice and I'm missing part of my right thumb nail.

There needs to be a new term for someone like me because klutz and accident prone just aren't cutting it.

In other news, 4 8 15 16 23 42.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I spent my morning attempting to get ready for class but mostly distracted by the inauguration.
I'm ecstatic. That is all.

Oh, I lied, that is not all. Class was cancelled. I'm free until two which basically just means I'll be at the park reading. Today is a going to be a good fucking day.

Monday, January 19, 2009


It's almost time to gather my things and get bundled up. I haven't really tried many night shots, not with my cannon. I need one more roll of film, so here goes nothing. I really hope these turn out. The first two rolls I'm fairly confident will turn out decently. Assuming of course that I haven't managed to forget how to develop them. Point being, I'm sort of nervous about these last two rolls. I know I haven't even shot one of them yet but I can't be certain I know what I'm doing and it makes me nervous. I already panic when I'm forced to show my finished work to people who aren't my close friends and now I have to show my unfinished contact sheets to a room full of peers. Crap.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Photography. I'm really excited for this class. I'm finally able to shoot whatever I want. Not that I couldn't before but this is complete free rein. I'm going to be required to put some real effort into the outcome of these photos. Time to brush up on my spotting technique. If nothing else, I'll get in some solid hours of listening to new music. It doesn't hurt that I'm excited about the rolls of film I'm getting done. It's turning into an odd cataloging of friends. I hope they turn out well. I've been taking them in a bit of a hurry.

Mmm, caffeine.